"The dark gift of chronic illness, is intimacy. Again and again we sit eye to eye with pain. And although we all would have probably chosen an easier path, we can’t help but acknowledge that we’re becoming warriors, armed with reserves of strength, humour and patience we never could have imagined.
Every culture has a myth of a Goddess who descends into the underworld; In Greece, Persephone goes down each winter The Innuits have Sedna who sinks to the bottom of the ocean, to meet the monsters of the deep. Goddess Innana, choose to travel to the underworld, to embrace her dark sister.
It’s not the kind of journey you can prepare for, And it’s certainly not the one any of us would have chosen. But it’s the one we find ourselves on." Frances and Sophie
Sometimes the rhytm changes. You find yourself into the dark, simply, powerfully, beautifully. How didi you get there? The continuum of life keep energy flowing and it doesn t care your programs, your dates, your finacial or your dreams. It keeps going.
And in this continuum our forces,our strenght are into the vortex to deepen connection with the dark, to become Queen of our inner landscapes of the night of the soul, to be sovereign in all those places that belong to our inner queendom/kingdom.
We are powerful beyond mesure when we allow ourself to deep feel and connect with our shadow, to our vulnerability and as Frances and Sophie says,we create intimacy, connection....
We tap into the unknown to create bridges of love, support, beauty and power....to welcome, to be Queen of the heart.
Ilness can be a deep journey and when we experienche chronic illness we are used to think this is an eternal state until we find the solution outside, the cure...
But...the continuum of life embrace everything....and so in this continuum we can experiment the darkness and the light of the same process... deeply confident in the flow...in our inner journey into the darkness to bring up from the wild and deep ocean the gifted treasure of our adventures...
If you wish to connect with a group of women in the discovery of your inner guide and wise woman, about the spirit of Inanna can teach to us you are invited to
the Free Call on
Wednesday August 17th at 8am PST/ 11am EST / 4pm UK.
To subscribe to the call or to invite someone else please click here.